On November 29th – 30th 2022, Kerona Scientific held their third Dublin PPP Symposium dealing with key regulatory aspects relevant to the registration of products and active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The first day of the symposium included presentations on future outlook for pesticides, data requirements for bees, and updates from regulatory zones.
Dr. Lindy Messchendorp, Policy Advisor at Ctgb in the Netherlands, presented an update from the central zone. The presentation describes news and developments in 2022 as well as objectives for 2023.
Dr. Messchendorp outlined the work carried out by the central secretariat in 2022, an example of which is the allocation of Member States for products containing AIR 5 group 1 substances. She also gave a synopsis of new developments within the Central Zone Steering Committee (CZSC) in 2022, which included the publication of several new bullet points on CIRCABC. She proceeded to explain some of these bullet points around Part B10 of the dossier, comparative assessments and interzonal dossiers for greenhouse uses. She also provided a list of working documents produced by the interzonal and central zone steering committees.
Finally, Dr. Messchendorp summarised the objectives for 2023 which focussed on improving the efficiency of the evaluation process, promoting the increase of low risk PPP and creating a guidance document for the central zone.
If you missed the PPP Symposium, a copy of all the presentations is available on the publications section of the Kerona website at the link https://kerona.ie/product/dublin-ppp-symposium-2022-speakers-presentations/
If you need assistance with registration of plant protection products in the Central European region, please do not hesitate to contact the plant protection regulatory consultants at Kerona info@kerona.ie